“Do not say a little in many words, but say a lot in a few words”
It is sometimes difficult to interpret the meaning of a person who is silent (not speaking). It can mean anger, resentment, disinterest, or other emotions and there are also some people who have a habit of talking much more they may be bad tempered and have little or no control over their mind. Nevertheless, many of us in society feel uneasy when one party is silent and usually try their best to fill up the silence with small talk.
Living in the standard of all this noise is bound to have a bad effect on us. All man-made noise is basically disturbing. And since we live our lives against a background of mechanical noise it follows that there’s always an undercurrent of agitation inside us, produced by the noise. This noise is certainly one of the reasons why modern life is so stressful as well. In modern life our senses are bombarded with huge amounts of external stimuli—our fields of vision are always crowded with different things, and our ears are blasted with a bewildering variety of sounds, all of which clamour for our attention. Our senses have to absorb and process all this material, which takes up a lot of energy, and means that we’re liable to become drained of energy or ‘run down’ easily.
For us, however, this has become very difficult. There’s always so much noise and activity both inside and outside us that our attention is always completely absorbed so that we can’t be in contact with our real selves. We spend all our time living outside ourselves, lost in the external world of activity and stimuli or in the inner world of our own thoughts.
Silence used to be, to varying degrees, a means of isolation. Now it is the absence of silence that works to render today’s world empty and isolating. Silence is the true friend that never misleads.
Modern humans have lost touch with their inner “true self”. Silence and stillness are a mean to recovering happiness and contentment.
In some civilisations, educators seem to have always placed great value on silence and direct experience, and in local cultures in general, silence denotes respect and modesty. Native healers very often stress silence as an aid to serenity and hope, while stillness is required for success in the hunt. These needs for thoughtfulness and silent may well have been key sources of original appreciation of silence.
There is something beyond our mind which abides in silence within our mind. It is the supreme mystery behind the thought. Let the mind and subtle body rest upon that and not rest on anything else. Silence will carry the truth. Do not spend your energy in talking, but meditate in silence. Accumulate power in silence and become a dynamo of spirituality. Food of soul is silence. Silence is the true friend that never cheats. Silence gives more joy than talking.
Silence is God’s nature. In His formless state in the beyond, silence is absolute and eternal. Silence represents Oneness. Silence, like darkness, is hard to come by; but mind and spirit need its sustenance. The explanations of silence and allowing the mind to become silent are implied as a feature of spiritual enlightenment. “Silence” in spirituality is often a sign of inner stillness. A silent mind, freed from the occurrence of thoughts and thought patterns, is both a goal and an important step in spiritual development. Many religious traditions imply the importance of being quiet and still in mind and spirit for transformative and integral spiritual growth to occur. Silence and stillness are mean to recovering happiness and contentment. Let us maintain tranquillity by speaking less or not at all to get happiness, contentment and spiritual enlightenment.