Nature from Moon Signs

A horoscope is a diagram of the heavens, showing the relative position of the zodiac signs, reasonably divides the world’s population into 12 distinct Ascendant signs, moon signs and sun signs. These are considered the twelve basic personality types, the first house is called the Ascendant. The people in each group get their characteristics from whatever sign that the sun, the moon was passing through at or Ascendant sign is the horoscope made taking the exact position of planets at the time of a person or individual’s birth in relation to the place a person is born the time they were born.

Your Moon signs: Key to Your Disposition

Individuals having the similar Ascendant, Moon signs or Sun signs in their astrological charts may have some of the similar impacts on their personalities, furthermore depending upon other planetary influences or its positions in the horoscope chart.

The twelve Houses of a horoscope are considered as a record of the entire life and qualities of the person. The Moon sign, about which we will learn in detail, is the strength of any horoscope. the Moon sign gives vital clues about the mind, appearance, character, and the way of thinking, wellbeing and other important spheres of life. Are you warm and welcoming, or reserved and a little awkward? Do you prefer indoor or outdoor works, or are you most comfortable in present circumstances? All of these factors can be easily pinpointed by the moon sign and the rising sign in your chart.


Those born with an Aries moon sign Often a scar near the eyebrows or head area. Aries are energetic, active, bold and impulsive. Adventurous, independent, self-confident and like to guide others. They always initiate new activity and are self-starters. Mostly makes one short tempered.

The domestic life may be unhappy unless there are other favourable combinations. They marry early in a hurry. These people get married in a good family. Your short temperament may land you in any trouble, married life also. You do not listen to others and make decisions for yourself. They may not get a perfect life partner, they may be unlucky in love matters, but they are compromising in married life and have a good understanding. They start new work before completing one at hand. Being impatient, cannot wait for the opportunity to arrive but will go out and create opportunities. Generally, Aries lives in today, they do impulsive buying and thus disturb their budget. They like to earn much and spend likewise.

They usually have authority clashes and are reckless under stress. They are delicate at heart, with divine thoughts, they understand the pain and sufferings of others, so they mostly try to help others for their welfare and happiness, but they are always at targeted by few peoples who do not like their achievement in society, in some cases they likely to face disgrace without any of their faults. They may have a difficult relation with sisters, they are blessed by their father always, mother and uncle ( mama) relation are not satisfying they always try to improve. Relatives are not favourable and the family ties are sometimes strained, frequent changes in residence. These people develop in life at the age of 26 and above and will try to have a secured life always.  You should constantly budget your money and avoid impulse buying.

It is possible in astrology to diagnose a health problem well before its actual appearance in the body. Health refers to more than just a person’s physical status, but also to their emotional, spiritual, and mental health. Every one of us is unique with different personality traits as each star sign is ruled by a different planet that has its own characteristics. Based on astrology or sun sign we can get help to maintain our health by understanding our own quality’s / positive or negative quality’s we are liable to.

Few tips regarding your sign to remain healthy, mentally and physically

1- You should show respect for others opinion

2- Keep patience in planning

3- Never complain, be mature enough to build bridges

4- Never stop listening or learning of new ideas,

5- Mind your words.

And also 5 Negative qualities to be corrected

You may be arrogant and domineering. He will be uncompromising in all matters.

You have a short and violent temper that may cause many fights.

You are intolerant to even the most minor mistakes.

You are very impulsive and may take the wrong decisions in the heat of the moment.

You are reckless and always looking for action.


Those born with a Taurus moon sign makes one very patient, stable, easy going and trustworthy. You are gifted with patience and take everything in your stride. They can miss on opportunities because of too much caution and a plodding nature. Slow but good and steady worker. Practical and down-to-earth attitude towards life. They usually have a stocky build and curly hair, heavy set, and thick eyebrows. Taurus rising makes one calm and dependable under stress but usually shortens the height. They will, on the whole, enjoy a good health. The symbol of Taurus is bull which is generally patient but when evoked becomes wild with fury. They are also slow in anger but when hurt can become cruel and insensitive. They take pleasure in eating and drinking and are fond of eating good foods, Taurus person will pay attention to relations (family) and communication. They are deep-rooted in their values, which sometimes make them conservative. Stable, enduring, patient, persistent are few qualities of nature. They like materialistic life, comfort, luxury, beauty and money.

He will be very responsible as far as his love life and married life is concerned.  They may have problems in married life maintaining, although you are very reliable in your relationships. Mostly peoples are mostly attracted towards them, but they should control their temptation, not be attracted towards media or peoples beyond their control will be better for them. He will make friends after giving considerable thought and will always be devoted to them. You are extremely social and are never happier when entertaining your friends, or those you love. If you have an elder brother, your relation with elder brother may not be better for you. Your relation with mother may to be better always, but his blessing will be good for you, your relation with father and his sister relation also may not be better as expected. Try to maintain relations- These people develop at the age of 30 years of life and enjoy a good marital life after that.

It is possible in astrology to diagnose health problems well before its actual appearance in the body. Health refers to more than just a person’s physical status, but also to their emotional, spiritual, and mental health. Every one of us is unique with different personality traits as each star sign is ruled by a different planet that has its own characteristics. Based on astrology or sun sign we can get help to maintain our health by understanding our own quality’s / positive or negative quality’s we are liable to.

Few tips regarding your sign to remain healthy, mentally and physically

1 –be punctual, manage your time like money.

2- Nurture yourself with love and sympathy

3-be cooperative.

4-be temperate and balance yourself moderation is a blissful key.

5-try to stay inside your budget.

And also 5 Negative qualities to be corrected

You are very stubborn and inflexible.

You are also jealous of others’ success.

You are highly possessive. You may be very lazy too.

You are introverts and do not enjoy social company. When amongst people, you are boring.

You are slow to change and ready to adapt new thing only under dire circumstances.


Those born with a Gemini moon sign usually makes one tall and athletic. Geminis are versatile, restless and inclined for frequent changes. They are good intellects with excellent command of speech. They will try to understand, analyse others point of view too, they often have dual things in life and people are unable to understand them. The need for mental activity and independence is very strong. This moon sign makes one versatile, intellectually refined, but very restless. They usually have a good sense of humour and are flexible and light-hearted. They may be ideal towards life partner, but they may not have good relation with the life partner, so may be considered unlucky in love matters. They should have good luck at least financially after marriage, they are of hot-tempered. they get quickly angered. They have a lot of nervous energy and need mental relaxation. Their relation with the brothers may not be much better, especially after their marriage more so.  Your mother will have a better relationship with you. Your father and his sisters, brother’s relationship with you will not be so good. They are subject to lot of changes in their life. Self-expression and communication are important to them and they can be quite talkative. They are observant and curious but usually superficial, fickle, changeable, and flippant. You may have a good friend circle for you. If you decide in a positive manner to earn money you can acquire wealth easily. These people earn a lot of money and wealth as their age passes. They have good fortunes. They have a sudden happening in life positive or negative. They make expenditure on Education clothes glamour etc. Try and form a long-term plan for managing your money and put in efforts in managing it.

It is possible in astrology to diagnose a health problem well before its actual appearance in the body. Health refers to more than just a person’s physical status, but also to their emotional, spiritual, and mental health. Every one of us is unique with different personality traits as each star sign is ruled by a different planet that has its own characteristics. Based on astrology or sun sign we can get help to maintain our health by understanding our own quality’s / positive or negative quality’s we are liable to.

Few tips regarding your sign to remain healthy, mentally and physically

1 – be ambitious.

2- Be able to be stable, arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached.

3-a man without patience is a lamp without oil.

4-be a good listener,

5-fortune favors the brave.

And also 5 Negative qualities to be corrected

Negative- ( worst quality – changeableness )

You are inconsistent in your performance.

Your restless nature doesn’t let them remain in one place.

You are full of nervous energy that may be distracting.

You are fickle minded and cannot stick to one decision.

You may be very mischievous due to your restless nature.

Concentration span is too low.


Those born with a Cancer moon sign usually gives one round feature, brownish eyes and long arms. They are very caring and have strong protective instincts. Moon is adaptive, have phases of waxing and waning. It governs water and moods. Cancerians are also like that, they easily get the gel with the nature of others. Always like to be with someone. Emotional, sensitive, shy, attached, sympathetic, caring and nurturing by nature. Excellent memory. They are emotionally dependent and security conscious. Those with Cancer rising like to stay close to their home base. Cancer persons are loyal and have a deep feeling of responsibility and expect the same from others too. Changeable personality with ups and downs of positions and occupations in life. They spend money prudently and accumulate wealth for future use. Mostly peoples are mostly attracted towards them, but they should control their temptation, not be attracted towards media or peoples beyond their control will be better for them. These persons marry against the old-style values and will marry a known girl to them or to family members. They may have an unnecessary misunderstanding with a life partner. Relation with mother is a source of happiness and achievement for him. But relation with father will be more or less okay. They have a friendship with a few ones will go on. They will take up technical education like one of their family members. These peoples are very good at machines \ mechanisms and also love working on machines or in industries. You often reach very high positions or gain some pinnacle of fame where you cannot escape the dazzling light of publicity. In your home life, you usually go through a great deal of trouble and are seldom surrounded by great happiness, no matter how successful you may appear in the eyes of the world.

It is possible in astrology to diagnose health problems well before its actual appearance in the body. Health refers to more than just a person’s physical status, but also to their emotional, spiritual, and mental health. Every one of us is unique with different personality traits as each star sign is ruled by a different planet that has its own characteristics. Based on astrology or sun sign we can get help to maintain our health by understanding our own quality’s / positive or negative quality’s we are liable to.

Few tips regarding your sign to remain healthy, mentally and physically

1-trust others, be outspoken.

2- Keep your hand and heart open, a man is known by what he gives.

3-respect the feelings of others,

4-keep smiling

5-be stable.

And also 5 Negative qualities to be corrected

You are very moody and do not stand by your decisions.

You are highly indecisive and confused.

You may suffer from weakness of character too.

You are shrewd and very selfish at times.

You are too sensitive and get easily hurt.


Those born with a Leo moon sign usually gives one bluish eyes unless Neptune was in First house the which gives hazel eyes. They have good posture and a dramatic and theatrical personality. Magnetic, proud, flamboyant and generous hearted. Seeks limelight and constant admiration. Leadership and administrative qualities. Stands out in a crowd. Easy to get fame or notoriety. Adds glamour to a chart. Exhibitionistic tendencies. Coloured hair, silk shirts, gold accessories, costume jewellery. Always on go your nature- life partner is weakest point in life you may not get life partner as expected.

They are ideal- they are very cultured, they never allow disobedience in family or with life partner, which may be the cause of their unhappiness in married life, they are unlucky in love life, so they should not keep their ideology upon their other members or with life partner. The wife \ husband of these people will be orderly in nature but hated by their own relatives. The wife \ husband of these people like their family and children also, and live happily after having a lot of struggle for 8 years after marriage or as age progresses. They may not have good relationship with father for very long may be any reason.

They are enthusiastic, bold, courageous, ambitious, magnanimous and aristocratic. They are authoritative, commanding and like to be head of organization. They are born leaders. They like to get respect, honour and praise. They are subject to flattery but do not fall victim to it. Sometimes they become victim of flattery.

By nature Leo persons like to live royal and lavish life. They like to earn quick and enormous money because they are spendthrift and also feel proud when someone ask for help. They help everyone with liberty. They understand the pain and sufferings of others, so they mostly try to help others for their welfare and happiness, but they are always at targeted by few peoples who do not like their achievement in society, in some cases they likely to face disgrace without any of their fault. They are mostly unlucky in personal relationship as they whatever do for others they rarely get appreciated for that. They get less happiness from father, but always receive great happiness from side of mother. Happiness from brothers and sister will not be so good, brother may do such works due to which you may feel happiness. Mothers blessings well wishes will be your cause of success.- friendship will be mostly good from same sex. . If you decide in a positive manner to earn money you can acquire wealth easily and easily becomes rich. These people develop in life after 35 years of their age. You need to check your unnecessary expenditures.

It is possible in astrology to diagnose a health problems well before its actual appearance in the body. Health, refers to more than just a person’s physical status, but also to their emotional, spiritual, and mental health. Every one of us is unique with different personality traits as each star sign is ruled by a different planet that has its own characteristics. Based on astrology or sun sign we can get help to maintain our health by understanding our own quality’s / positive or negative quality’s we are liable to.

Few tips regarding our sign to remain healthy, mentally and physically

1-respect the feelings of others, one flower makes no garland.

2- Trust and understand others opinion.

3-be small.

4- Live within your means

5- Be polite and soft.

And also 5 Negative qualities to be corrected

You have a violent temper.

You may be arrogant and dominating.

Your stubborn nature doesn’t let them change your views about issues.

Your overbearing attitude may become impossible to tolerate.

You do not like being in a non-authoritative position and need to be bossy.

VirgoThose born with a Virgo moon sign usually gives one a frown between the eyebrows because of their difficult nature! Analytical and critical of self as well as of others. They are intelligent, have good communication skills and become doubly sure before going further. They do every work with planning and like to collect minute details of it. They generally keep patience and when asked to speak, will give every detail of the subject. Shy. Selective in friendships, very few but you may not come forward on many occasions. Health conscious, they possess natural healing qualities. They are good in the profession of healing or close to stay with nature. Methodical, cautious but too much aware of limitations. Expert in finding faults with others. A saving disposition, over careful and sensitive. Love details of things and accounts. Virgo persons are careful in spending money. They earn with mental qualities and hard work. Must be careful of nagging. Unrealistic expectations of the partner the wife \ husband of these people will be dominating in nature and it will be hard to make them understand anything. The wife \ husband of these people will be always be smiling but will burst into anger instantly. The marital life of these people will not be smooth. After marriage, these people will have problems convincing the wife \ husband for a smooth relationship between the wife \ husband and the in-laws. They have good relationships with sisters, but their relationship with their brother is not always good. Chances are that you may live away from parents for education or livelihood whatever may be the reason. You may not have good relations with uncles (brother of your mother and father), but anyhow you try to maintain it. These people work more than necessary but still, the work goes unrecognized as they will have trouble with the superiors. They can attract with good voice everyone in the world, if women they have an attractive voice- they may have a very adjustable married life. Care must be in business partners

It is possible in astrology to diagnose health problems well before its actual appearance in the body. Health refers to more than just a person’s physical status, but also to their emotional, spiritual, and mental health. Every one of us is unique with different personality traits as each star sign is ruled by a different planet that has its own characteristics. Based on astrology or sun sign we can get help to maintain our health by understanding our own quality’s / positive or negative quality’s we are liable to.

Few tips regarding our sign to remain healthy, mentally and physically

1- Have a burning desire for your goal, put enthusiasm into your work

2- Change your mental frame, minimize your worries, maximize your patience.

3- Keep your mind free open and clear discuss

4-coperate with inevitable there is no good in arguing.

5- Good mind, good find, find best in others

And also 5 Negative qualities to be corrected

You worry for even the smallest of things.

You may be introverts and not like too much of socializing.

You are generally too critical about yourselves.

You may be too particular about things, making others crazy.

You may be irritable all the time.


Those born with a Libra moon sign are of Soft and balanced features. Often good looking. Charming, sophisticated and well mannered. Just and non-judgemental with a sense of fairness and justice.

The symbol is Scales, balancing everything is the main domain of their life. They will weigh merits and demerits and then give their opinion. They take time to make decisions. They become uncomfortable when life goes with up and down. They are sensitive, social, and sympathetic and have the charisma to influence masses. They like to be in power and command things. Intuitively intelligent. Sociable and peace-loving. Procrastinates a lot. Seeks an aggressive and decisive partner who is action oriented but stable underneath. So relation with a partner may be a little bit difficult, even though they even how to manage to maintain it by giving attractive gifts to their partners. They keep their partner happy with all efforts. They are of anger temperament. They have good relation with brothers, they also have their good role in it. They have good friendly relation with mother, but they may have a difference of opinion with father, uncle (fathers brother), and his cousin brothers. Being peaceful and loving by nature, you can have a good love life. You may take your time in relationships but they will always have a happy ending. You make good partners and good parents. Mostly peoples are mostly attracted towards them, but they should control their temptation, not be attracted towards media or peoples beyond their control will be better for them. You seldom find yourself in a position where you have to take a loan, you often come into riches through a marriage or by entering into a business partnership. If you decide in a positive manner, and due to their aggressive and obstinate nature you may acquire wealth easily and easily becomes rich.  Libra persons are generous and extravagant. They must keep a check on their expenditure as they are extravagant. They spend on luxuries and artistic stuff. They need to become economical. Try and avoid going regularly to lavish restaurants for the banquet.

It is possible in astrology to diagnose health problems well before its actual appearance in the body. Health refers to more than just a person’s physical status, but also to their emotional, spiritual, and mental health. Every one of us is unique with different personality traits as each star sign is ruled by a different planet that has its own characteristics. Based on astrology or sun sign we can get help to maintain our health by understanding our own quality’s / positive or negative quality’s we are liable to.

Few tips regarding our sign to remain healthy, mentally and physically1- Decide what you want, have faith in your decision.

2-be contented needs can be met, never greed’s,

3- Tomorrow never comes, care for your present.

4- God helps those who help themselves.

5- Make a few promises.

And also 5 Negative qualities to be corrected

You cannot take make decisions for themselves.

You are easily gullible and are prone to being at the losing end.

You are self-indulgent and may ignore others’ needs.

You are fickle minded and are dependent on others for even the smallest of things.

You hate violence and are ready to buy peace at any cost


Those born with a Scorpio moon sign are of Dark and strong features, hollow cheeks and strong nose. Penetrating eyes. Can become preoccupied with sensuality. They have deep emotion, intuition, imagination and intelligence. They are a good critic, researcher and healer. They are short temper and keep things in control. They hesitate to express their feelings in words but will show through action. It is a difficult sign to understand.

They do a more mental activity than physical. They give a convincing and scientific explanation and sometimes blunt in their opinion.

Love of power and secrets. Neither forgets nor forgives. Traumatic events in childhood leading to interest in self-knowledge. Secret love and secret enemies. Self-destructive. Very private and prefers night time. Your possessive nature may create problems in life.  You will have problems in your love affairs mainly because of your jealousies and secretive ways. Because of their extravagant luxurious expenses, they cannot save the money. They do not want to remain under anybody’s control but want to command others. Though their domestic life is generally happy, at times, they are good friends but also worst enemies, so lifelong friendship for them is not possible. They are violent but have complex moods. You are attracted towards people of the opposite sex. You make good parents but you are not the conventional type of parents. If they try to remain honest towards their life partner then they can get happiness in married life. They are delicate at heart, with divine thoughts, they understand the pain and sufferings of others, so they mostly try to help others for their welfare and happiness, but they are always at targeted by few peoples who do not like their achievement in society, in some cases they likely to face disgrace without any of their faults.  The relation with mother and brother may be hard- they receive good happiness from father’s side, and father is also lucky for your achievements- You are lazy and not meant for desk jobs. You will do well in jobs that need your psychic and intuition to work. With hard work, they are good in earning and spends on stuff for comfortable life. They are attracted towards electronic, vehicle and new things.

It is possible in astrology to diagnose health problems well before its actual appearance in the body. Health refers to more than just a person’s physical status, but also to their emotional, spiritual, and mental health. Every one of us is unique with different personality traits as each star sign is ruled by a different planet that has its own characteristics. Based on astrology or sun sign we can get help to maintain our health by understanding our own quality’s / positive or negative quality’s we are liable to.

Few tips regarding our sign to remain healthy, mentally and physically

1- Good to forgive.

2- Dissolve your ego, moderate your thoughts.

3-be sympathetic, kind.

4-develop a sense of humour keeps a liking view.

5- Apologize quickly and graciously.

And also 5 Negative qualities to be corrected

Your bluntness may hurt a lot of people.

You may be temperamental, making them very difficult to get along with.

You may be arrogant and jealous of others’ achievements.

You do not trust people and are always suspicious.

Your secretive nature may create problems.


Those born with a Sagittarius moon sign Optimistic and philosophical outlook towards life. They are always in a search of new ideas, goals and knowledge. They are generous, spiritual, Independent and freedom-loving road-minded. Daring and adventurous. Love of challenge. Outspoken yet charming. Attractive to the opposite sex. Serious and philosophical side more obvious later in life, usually from 35 to 40. Tall, athletic and magnetic. They are also very vivacious, knowledgeable, you may have some problem dealing with other people. This is mainly because you do not take criticism very well. You will have a happy marital life. You will have a good relationship with people of the opposite sex. Do not develop hatred towards their brothers and parents, this will not pay them. God fearing and religious, at times they are restless, over anxious and highly strung. Respectful to religion, law and order and customs. You make faithful partners. You make good parents but at times may be dominating. good relation with outer worldly people, outside home- your early years will not be prosperous, you may be subjected to financial stringency on account of losses your parents may have suffered, you mostly have good relation with mother there will come obstacles, but specially after marriage, so you may not give her proper care which is must for you, your relations with sisters may not be proper, but she always have well wishes for you. During obstacles, they are not at their best.  . If you decide in a positive manner, and due to their aggressive and obstinate nature you may acquire wealth easily and easily becomes rich. They are enthusiastic even if things are not going according to their wish. They will speak the truth and right what they feel, without considering what others will feel. They will always fight for justice. They have lots of friends but very few true friends. They are always keen to acquire new knowledge and give their advice. They understand the pain and sufferings of others, so they mostly try to help others for their welfare and happiness, but they are always at targeted by few peoples who do not like their achievement in society, in some cases they likely to face disgrace without any of their faults. Generally, they have a dual source of earning and are impulsive buyers. They are unable to maintain the budget. You should continue with your money-management policies and not give-up mid-way.

It is possible in astrology to diagnose a health problems well before its actual appearance in the body. Health, refers to more than just a person’s physical status, but also to their emotional, spiritual, and mental health. Every one of us is unique with different personality traits as each star sign is ruled by a different planet that has its own characteristics. Based on astrology or sun sign we can get help to maintain our health by understanding our own quality’s / positive or negative quality’s we are liable to.

Few tips regarding our sign to remain healthy, mentally and physically

1-make yourselves necessary.

2- Enjoy what you have got and what you are up to

3- Forget useless things, empty your mind.

4- A long argument means both parties are wrong

5- Do not expect fruits as soon as you sow your seeds.

And also 5 Negative qualities to be corrected

You may be too outspoken for your own good.

You are restless and impatient.

Your temper is very explosive and may be the cause of problems.

You are blunt and tactless which may not be a very good sign.

You may be irresponsible in nature.


Those born with a Capricorn moon sign which indicates karma (action or hard work) and they have patiently working temperament. They start late in life, have to face many obstacles but get success in later life. Because of struggle in life, they become pessimistic. They like to follow traditional things, humanitarian jobs and have an interest in science and technology. They look more mature when young but look younger than their age later on. Often executive ability. Responsible attitude. Lonely eagle. Striving for own business. Sunshine after tears. Somewhat materialistic and always making useful contacts. Generally, you are self-made, you are versatile and shrewd in business. They will have the technical type of education and you can get jobs pertaining to government service or semi-govt. Mostly peoples are mostly attracted towards them, but they should control their temptation, not be attracted towards media or peoples beyond their control will be better for them. Mother and father always will be more than god for you- whatever you may do for brother and sisters but you will be disliked by them.- although more even after marriage, Domestic life will have its share of problems mainly because of the inability of household members to get along with each other. You may have to be away from your family for the sake of pursuing your career. You are very attached to your wife and children. You are dull in romance. You will make planned and disciplined parents. You have good relations with your uncle (mothers brother), and receive his blessings. If even more if your relations with them are good since childhood. They will not depend on the hopes of others, not demonstrative in feeling and do not readily show their sympathy. It is not easy to cheat them, modest and polite. They can make friends with anybody quickly but they will make a test of an individual and finally make a permanent tie of friendship. If you decide in a positive manner, and due to their aggressive and obstinate nature you may acquire wealth easily and easily becomes rich. They are economical, slow and steady in savings. They will first save for the future and then do the spending.

It is possible in astrology to diagnose health problems well before its actual appearance in the body. Health refers to more than just a person’s physical status, but also to their emotional, spiritual, and mental health. Every one of us is unique with different personality traits as each star sign is ruled by a different planet that has its own characteristics. Based on astrology or sun sign we can get help to maintain our health by understanding our own quality’s / positive or negative quality’s we are liable to.

Few tips regarding our sign to remain healthy, mentally and physically

1- Do not believe that a thing is impossible without trying it.

2- Be cheerful, keep smiling.

3-be flexible and cordial deepen your understanding.

4-do not be shy there are chance to underestimate you.

5-“We achieve “be positive, be open to criticism, critics are our eye opener.

And also 5 Negative qualities to be corrected

You are very rigid in nature and not susceptible to changes.

You can be too ambitious for your own good and be blinded by success.

Very stubborn and dominating by nature to the extent of being domineering.

Your mood swings may surprise people.

You need people around them when you are depressed.


Those born with a Aquarius moon sign always gives the individual a rather cool, aloof, impersonal and detached outlook. Unemotional under stress but panics and collapses afterwards. They are far ahead in new ideas, thoughts and come up with uncommon solution. multi- talented persons.

They are observer and reserve in nature, so have few friends. Often very perceptive. Likes to reform and has humanitarian tendencies but can be quite unconventional. Ability to manipulate others. Grey or blue eyes and space between two front teeth. Your inflexibility and self-esteem may be cause of your unhappiness. These people marry early immediately after getting a job, the better half of these people will be talkative, hardworking and good looking, so the marital life may be smooth, mostly your married life is not so harmonious, as they are not stable in their relationship in married life, , they do not get ideal life partner, they can be considered as unlucky in  love life as they do not get what they were looking for in their partners.

They are mostly unlucky in personal relationship as they whatever do for others they rarely get appreciated for that. They are of very hot tempered, for them friendship relation is above all relations for you. The family members are soft and tender. . They are neither very much attached nor detached with their family. Their partners will be low biding, true, honest and sincere, dutiful, magnanimous and noble. And are fast and great thinkers, but pious and helping kind of people. your  mother, father, brother always try to give you whatever you need and may have good relation for you, but you may not be able do in return for them which is necessary for them Generally Aquarius persons do long term investments and make money through it. They know value of money but do not run for it. They will spend money where it is needed in their view, so it is difficult to say they are economical or extravagant. They will spend money on doing research, inventions and education.


It is possible in astrology to diagnose a health problems well before its actual appearance in the body. Health, refers to more than just a person’s physical status, but also to their emotional, spiritual, and mental health. Every one of us is unique with different personality traits as each star sign is ruled by a different planet that has its own characteristics. Based on astrology or sun sign we can get help to maintain our health by understanding our own quality’s / positive or negative quality’s we are liable to

Few tips regarding our sign to remain healthy, mentally and physically

1- Be kind and blind to the fault of others look within

2-the tactful man will make more opportunities than he finds.

3- Learn from past, plan for future but live in present

4-a man who has no smiling face should not open a shop

5- Try to know the weight of another’s burden.

And also 5 Negative qualities to be corrected

You do not make friends very easily in spite of your extrovert nature.

You also are subject to bouts of highly violent temper.

You are highly temperamental and eccentric.

You may become detached from people and keep to yourselves.

You are loners and do not like others interfering in your personal matters unless asked to do so.


Those born with a Pisces moon sign is one of the most sensitive rising signs. They are intuitive, imaginative and spiritual persons. They see well in others and believe in their own view. They are generous and will go beyond their limits to help others and if others do not reciprocate same, they will stop talking with them. It makes one acutely sensitive to their environment, sunsets, ocean, sad music and anything which appeals to their fantasy.

They often project a helpless and vulnerable look. Pisces persons are emotional and they always need company. Of varying mood, over liberal, keep hopes on other’s promises, rely on friends and many times suffer at their hands. They do not have clarity of practical boundaries, so easily get hurt. Very helpful and maintain harmony at home. Sincere and true. They keep the home modern and in a top condition. They love domestic life on the whole. Their friends, a few of them, will outwardly be honest but inwardly scoundrel, cheat and selfish. Often hazel or greenish eyes (in the West) and tiny wrinkles around the eyes. Invites sorrow. Wandering mind. Unrealistic and unworldly. Not much interest in the material world. Spiritual/mystical leanings. They will have secured or government service. For the profession, these people will have a travelling type of jobs and will retire early and enjoy life. These people get into service \ profession at the age of 21 years. They do not stick to one profession or job, luck after marriage is possible, and their organisational life is much better than any other, They will lead a happy married life. They should not select any partner who is free with all. they might have a better relationship with their life partners, so good married life can be expected by them.

Your relation with father is much better and his blessing will be always for you and your success. Your mother may also have concern for you but your inclination towards your mother will not be much more. Relation with brother and sister will be okay- relation with uncle (mothers brother), will be also good? If you decide in a positive manner, and due to their aggressive and obstinate nature you may acquire wealth easily and easily becomes rich.  They make expenditure on travelling, branded items glamour etc. you need to cut down on your thoughtless spending. You should not be tempted by ‘get-rich’ schemes. They spend money on luxury stuff but are careful about the future also. They do long-term investments.

It is possible in astrology to diagnose health problems well before its actual appearance in the body. Health refers to more than just a person’s physical status, but also to their emotional, spiritual, and mental health. Every one of us is unique with different personality traits as each star sign is ruled by a different planet that has its own characteristics. Based on astrology or sun sign we can get help to maintain our health by understanding our own quality’s / positive or negative quality’s we are liable to.

Few tips regarding our sign to remain healthy, mentally and physically

1- Trust thyself, aim high and keep hope

2- face reality, never say impossible

3- A thought that is locked up will turn into a tension

4-keep on daring mistakes can be the teacher

5- Love your work, not luck.

And also 5 Negative qualities to be corrected

You are loners and do not like others interfering in your personal matters unless asked to do so. You also are subject to bouts of high violent temper.

You may be very rude and tactless and hurt people by your mannerisms.

You are very stubborn and stand by your decisions come whatever may.

You act on your whims and fancies and are unpredictable

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