Marriage Problems


marriage problems

“Success in marriage does not come merely through finding the right mate, but through being the right mate.”

Marriage is one of the most divine and oldest associations known to man.  To make a wedding last both, partners need to be understanding and considerate of one another.  Of course joy, harmony, and love are also key components for a successful union.  However, the determining the date for your wedding is just as important as per “horoscope matching system” of Jyotish / occult.  In such cases, the Girl and the Boy are new to each other.

Even known to each other earlier, they cannot be expected to have a reasonable understanding of each other.

One will naturally not be aware of the characteristics of the other and as such will not be in any comfortable position to conclude whether the temperaments of the prospective spouse will settle down with his / her personalities and vice versa. Unless the Boy and the Girl have a mutually adjustable and accommodate character, it will be too difficult – rather impossible – to lead a life long cohesive married life.   Lack of understanding and adjustments may even lead to separation and affect the whole life.

The Horoscopes Matching Process is the part, which our ancestors have prescribed, with which we can measure whether a particular Boy and a special Girl will settle down with each other for the purpose of a lasting married relationship. The temperaments, characters and behavioral attitudes of both the Boy and the Girl should be cohesive, and they should not be physically inconsistent with each other.   Only then, the married life will be harmonious.

To be successful in marriage, you need to be able to communicate your thoughts, feelings, needs and wants in a straightforward manner. You also need to be a good listener. Allow your spouse to express his or her thoughts, feelings, needs, and wants freely and safely. Perhaps you’d like to be happier in your marriage, or you’re thinking about getting married and you’re looking for hints and tips. Here’s some good advice for living a happily married life.

However to get a rough general idea you can check the matching of the birth date /zodiac signs /match making of horoscope / the sun sign matching.

While reading the horoscope matching and another system of matching, I request you to remember that no two-star signs are ever totally incompatible. With determination and cooperation, even the most ‘difficult’ astrological matches can work. Don’t close your mind to the full range of life’s opportunities! Learning about each other and ourselves is the most important aspect of zodiac sign or sun signs.

Before you start jumping to any conclusions, let me tell you that if you have complete faith in astrological prediction, then it is necessary for marriage purpose that both the horoscopes must be thoroughly matched by an experienced astrologer. This is based on the planetary combinations of the Lagna chart, all the nine planets,  birth star based guna matching, manglic dosha and also the navamsa charts matching. Numerology is also useful in the compatibility of the relationship of partners also.

Astrology or sun sign alone is no guarantee (sorry, the stars don’t have a return policy) but when directing the dark pathways and avoiding the dead ends of love, sometimes a calculation is helpful.

Marriage is a lifelong relationship and must be taken seriously. Even though there are many other methods which can bring the good relationship which is assumed by experts in the field on which you have faith as Vastu Shastra applied in house can minimize the some dosha that may arise due to Vastu Shastra defects, even blessings of parents, guru’s, prayers, mantra recitation, meditation can also work to improve healthy relationship between partners.

Now –a-days some marriages are turning to failures for which the reasons are – to be explored while the wedding is meant to be heaven with mutual love, affection, and Happiness. In some cases, such marriage is turning to be hell filling the lives of the couple with sorrow and grief.

If you need to make your wedding successful, no need to worry if you know that your zodiac signs or numbers do not match, the person you married. A happy marriage doesn’t mean you have a perfect spouse or a perfect marriage. But what you need is complete truthfulness. Marriage doesn’t make you happy–you make your marriage happy.

Hence, let’s look at some of the problems most married partners have to accept while handling their marriage. There is also some general advice on how making the real and lasting relationship.

Remember that ideas and spiritually both of you are like one soul and two bodies; if you hurt each other, you hurt yourselves as well. Humanity, understanding, trust, and respect are the key words for truthful relationships.

1. Sharing parental duties.  Accepting each other’s faults.

2. Beware of selfishness and demanding behavior.

3. Try to make your partner’s parents like you. It is better for both of you.

4- Keep in mind that your partner is as independent as you are and should never be treated as an objective or possession.

5. If you are your beloved’s loving friend, she/ he will be grateful and rewarding. In every relationship, it is important to be a good and reliable friend.

6. Keep your mind on your primary goal, which is to have a happy marriage. Say and do what will enable you and your spouse to have a happy marriage. Avoid the opposite. Everything else is commentary.

7. Remember that mutual respect and happiness is your real goal. Do not needlessly argue. Silence is often the wisest choice. Constantly be mutually respectful

8. Keep asking yourselves, what can we do to have a happy, loving atmosphere in our home?

9.  Focus on giving, rather than taking. Say and do as many things as possible to meet your spouse’s needs.

10.  Frequently ask yourself, what positive things can I say and do to put my (life partner) in a positive emotional state?

11.  Be a good listener. Understand your spouse from his or her point of view.

12.  Be considerate of the feelings and needs of your spouse. Think of ways that you have lacked consideration and be resolved to increase your level of attention.

13.  Give up unrealistic expectations. Do not expect your spouse to be perfect and do not make comparisons.

14. Be willing to compromise. Be prepared to do something you would rather not do in return for similar behavior from your spouse.

15.  Write a list of ways that you have benefited from being married to your spouse. Keep adding to the list and reread it frequently.  Write a list of your spouse’s positive patterns and qualities. Keep adding to the list and read it regularly.

16.  Keep thinking about what you can do to bring out the best qualities of your spouse. Reinforce those conditions with words and action.

17.  Focus on finding solutions to any problems that arise. Be solution oriented. Do not just blame and complain. Do not focus on who is more wrong.  For a happy marriage, work together to find mutually acceptable solutions.  Instead of blaming and complaining think of positive ways to motivate your spouse. If your first strategies are not effective, think of creative ways.

18. Be responsible for your happiness and avoid blaming your spouse for your problems or unhappiness.

19.  Live in the present. What went wrong in the past is the past. You create the present and the future with your thoughts, words, and actions right now. Choose them wisely.

20. Look on the bright side — always try to be as active and optimistic as you can be. A spouse’s positive attitude leads to positive behaviors and a more satisfying relationship. Marriage and happiness will go hand-in-hand for you.

21. Each spouse should give the other plenty of support and encouragement to be all he or she can be in life . support, support, support!

22. Avoid imposing changes upon your partner. Offer support and inspiration, but trust him/her to make needed changes. Don’t nag or pressure your spouse, and watch your marriage and happiness grow together!

23- Be patient with each other as much as possible. Realize what makes each other happy. We are all individuals, and we are all different. Therefore, what makes one partner happy may not necessarily be what makes the other partner happy. If you take the time to find out what each other wants and “do onto to the other as he/she would like it done,” your relationship will flourish.

24- Respect each other’s view at all times.  Be respectful and caring even when you are resolving conflicts in the relationship. Make a firm decision never to be disrespectful to your partner even in the heat of battle. Don’t break marital confidences or use them as a weapon during an argument.

25- Share alike in doing the household responsibilities. A Study has shown that couples who work together stay together. and will bring a sense of equality in the marriage and will help prevent feelings of resentment that could come if one spouse is doing more for the family and the relationship than the other. Couples should be-be very clear about what is necessary for each other regarding household duties. Be clear and straightforward when discussing roles.

26-Learn from Your Experiences. Learn from the past. Don’t allow the past experiences repeated in your present conversations. Leave the past behind and Be in the Present. Give particular attention to what your spouse wants, believes and likes. Ideally, rather than working out what you need, you should try to work out what you both need.

27. Communicating well with your partner is crucial to have a good marriage. It is the way you let your partner know what you are feeling and what you need from your spouse.  When you talk with each other, make sure you give each other your undivided attention, make eye contact, and use good timing. If you and your partner communicate well, you will be in the best position to solve your differences exists already.

Money matters, we usually handle money in the same way as our family did, and often assume our way is best.  You need to come up with the new blended way you both will do things.

You must be partners. Marriage is two contributions; never one taking. Never argue over anything; it’s a waste of precious time. Compromise and understand you are different, that’s why you complement one another. Laugh often. Share everything, even if you think the others won’t know or it will hurt. Love is the strength.

We must think the best advice for us is “attitude.” Go into the marriage with the attitude that you will be together forever. Work things out with that goal in mind.

If you keep the idea that “well if this doesn’t work, I can just move on” then you don’t have the motivation to make things work.

Every marriage is different, but the best marriages all share love, respect, and joy. Maintaining a healthy and vibrant relationship isn’t always easy, but there are several things you can do to keep yours on track.

Even when you don’t agree -and believe me there will be plenty of times when you don’t! – Accept each other’s differences, your strengths and weaknesses. Be supportive, never Tear Each Other Down! The biggest thing is not giving up. There can be weeks, months and sometimes even years that aren’t the way you thought they would be. In the end, it’s about creating a place where each of you can be yourself, have the freedom to explore new things, and know that you are always safe and loved. Marriage is the most beautiful thing in the world, the greatest relationship anyone can ever hope to be blessed.

Talk to each other often. Spend time together & apart. Be truthful to each other. Keep the faith!

Try these tips, and you’ll enhance your chances of making your marriage a happy one — one that fills you both with contentment and helps you to reach your personal goals, yielding great happiness and joy for both partners.

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